Agreements among family members for the settlement of an intestate's estate will be upheld in the absence of fraud and when the rights of creditors are met. Intestate means that the decedent died without a valid will. The termination of any family controversy or the release of a reasonable, bona fide claim in an intestate estate have been held to be sufficient consideration for a family settlement.
When a person passes away, their Estate refers to all the assets and liabilities they leave behind. An estate comprises various properties, accounts, investments, and possessions, along with any debts, loans, or obligations. Once the deceased's debts and taxes have been settled, the remaining assets are distributed among the rightful heirs according to the deceased's wishes, as stated in their will or determined by the laws of intestacy. There are several types of estates that can be inherited by heirs: 1. Probate Estate: This is the most common type of estate and typically involves assets that are solely in the deceased's name. When a will is presented to the court for probate proceedings, the assets included in the probate estate are distributed to the designated beneficiaries. 2. Non-probate Estate: Certain assets may bypass the probate process and transfer directly to heirs without the need for court involvement. These assets include jointly-owned property with rights of survivorship, life insurance policies with designated beneficiaries, retirement accounts, or assets held in trusts. 3. Intestate Estate: When someone passes away without a valid will, their estate is referred to as an intestate estate. In this case, state laws dictate how the assets are distributed among heirs, usually prioritizing immediate family members. 4. Testate Estate: A testate estate is the opposite of an intestate estate and refers to cases where the deceased left a valid will outlining their wishes. In such cases, the court follows the instructions in the will to distribute the assets among the beneficiaries named in the document. 5. Small Estate: Some jurisdictions have specific rules and procedures for small estates, typically involving assets below a certain value. These simplified processes allow for quicker distribution of assets and may not require going through regular probate proceedings. 6. Digital Estate: With the increasing prevalence of online accounts and digital assets, a digital estate includes all digital information, accounts, and assets that a person leaves behind after their death. This may encompass social media profiles, email accounts, online banking, cryptocurrencies, and other digital files. In conclusion, an estate refers to the entire range of assets and liabilities left by a deceased individual. The type of estate and the distribution process depend on various factors, including the presence of a will, the nature of assets, and the applicable laws. Understanding the different types of estates to heirs can help individuals navigate the inheritance process and ensure their loved ones receive their rightful share.
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