Malaysia and India established the Malaysia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement ( MICECA ) on 24 September 2010. MICECA came into force on 1 July 2011 .
MICECA is a comprehensive agreement that covers trade in goods, trade in services , investments and movement of natural persons. It value-adds to the benefits shared from ASEAN -India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIG) and will further facilitate and enhance two-way trade , services , investment and economic relations in general.
The full text of the Agreement can be reviewed via this link MICECA Agreement
Under MICECA , both Malaysia and India will progressively reduce or eliminate tariffs on their respective industrial and agricultural products. Commitments by the countries are reflected in their Schedule of Commitments
If you are exporting to India, please click this link:
If you are importing from India, please click this link :
How does the product that you export enjoy the Preferential Duties
In order for your product to enjoy the preferential duties, it must fulfill the Rules of Origin ( ROO ) criteria under MICECA which is a Qualifying Value Content of 35% or Change in Tariff Classification. Interested parties can review the specific rules related to your product in the following link.
In order for a product exported by Malaysia to enjoy preferential treatment (reduce duty or for some products zero duty) in India, exporters need to obtain a certificate of origin (CO) issued by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia. The CO is a certificate that can be used to satisfy your buyers that the products exported originate from Malaysia. The CO form can be obtained from the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers ( FMM ).
The procedures and sample form of the CO can be viewed from the links below:
Sample of the Certificate of Origin (CO) Form – Form MICECA (Annex 3-3.1 Certificate of Origin)
If you import a product from India, in order for the product imported from India to enjoy preferential treatment in Malaysia, importers need to request the exporter/supplier in India to obtain a certificate of origin (CO) issued by the Export Inspection Agency of India (EIA). The CO form can also be obtained from the EIA offices.
MICECA facilitates cross-border trade in services and provides services providers access into each other's market. Malaysia and India's Specific Service Commitments as well as commitments on Movement of Natural Persons are accessible in the following links:
Schedules of Specific Services Commitments
The Agreement provides a framework to further facilitate cross-border investments between the two countries through commitments on national treatment , most-favoured nation treatment, as well as protection of investors and investments. Deatils on the investment chapter is accessible in the following link:
Malaysia and India have agreed to undertake cooperation in several areas such as infrastructure development, human resource development, science and technology, including health, creative industries, tourism, SMEs and finance. More information on economic cooperation is available in the link below: